Reference Tea

Join me on the my Maritime tea run

Estimated read time 9 min read

I think a “tea run” should be a thing because I seem to have done my first “official” tea run this summer. I went to the Maritimes, (Nova Scotia, PEI and New Brunswick, Canada) this summer for a few weeks and decided along the way I would see what kinds of tea I find. I wasn’t expecting to find much in terms of interesting tea, tea shops or teaware. But I was pleasantly surprised! Below I tried to highlight some of the teas and places I found tea along my trip in no particular order. I’m sure I missed some as I seem to have more tea than what is listed below! I’ve included links where appropriate, either to the tea room or tea shop where I found the tea or to the site of that particular business. I’ve also tried to include the location,or at least the city, where the business from or where I found the tea. I don’t think I’ve tried all the teas in my “Maritime tea stash” yet, but I’m slowly getting through it!

Reference Tea

Can tea be used in skin care products?

Estimated read time 10 min read

I seem most at peace when I’m sleeping, drinking tea or making something with my hands. The latter seems to allow me to think more creatively and imaginatively about everything and anything. In any case, this past weekend was about making things with tea and in particular green tea and matcha. Of course, there is the usual baking with matcha a few recipes of which can be found in a previous post on Can you cook with matcha? This weekend, while I did make some matcha cupcakes, [1], I wanted to see if I could make some skin care products with matcha and/or green tea. I only started making skin care products last year: scrubs, body butters, melt and pour soaps, shower/bath bombs, lip balms, etc. Simple things. But now that I’ve made them a few times, I had a desire to start experiment. If people are making coffee scrubs, I’m sure someone is making tea scrubs out there! In any case, my search on Pinterest leads me down a rabbit hole, as usual! But I managed to climb out with a few interesting recipes for DIY skin care products that I quickly repined and tried. [2]

Not Edible Reference

Give a personalized gift of tea by snail mail

Estimated read time 6 min read

Has the art of sending letters and greeting cards by post died? I’m not sure. When I was younger I remember days like Valentine’s Day, the Christmas season and birthdays being a big time for receiving greeting cards. It was like waiting for the end of the season to count how many I got; displaying Christmas cards or birthday cards all over my rooms. It was a source of pride almost. As I get older, there were fewer cards but more meaningful ones.

History Reference

Indian Tea – Regions of the world of tea

Estimated read time 8 min read

The tea in Assam is made from the Camellia sinensis var. assamica plant. There are more than 800 tea estates in Assam. Tea from this region is known for its body, briskness, strong malty flavours. It is used as the main component in breakfast tea blends. The growing season is from late spring to early fall. Most of the tea produced is from July to September.