How to make English crumpets

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Crumpets are a fun food.  When I was little, I’d toast them, them butter them over and over until the holes were full of butter.  It was great!  Can’t eat quite that much butter now but it’s still very yummy.  I never thought about how they were made when I was younger.  Crumpets just were. They were one of those mysteries of the world, kind of like the caramel in a Caramilk bar; no one knows how it got in there, it just is.  As I’ve gotten older, I’m not as convinced that these things are a complete mystery.  I decided to look into how crumpets are made and the process isn’t as complicated as I thought.  However, I believe there is or are techniques that I haven’t quite figured out yet.  I did learn about crumpet rings.  I know know crumpets get their perfect round shape!  I always thought they were baked but no. They are fried! Who knew?  This was my first attempt at making crumpets.  It was a fun and interesting experience but more more to learn and improve upon.

english crumpet dough with mypersonalitea

This is the dough after it has risen twice. The first rise was with the yeast; the second rise with the baking soda.  It was a very jiggly dough.

english crumpet frying up at mypersonalitea

Here is the little crumpet sitting in the frying pan frying up.  There are a few bubbles forming but this is definitely a skill I am going to have to perfect.  The frying technique I’m thinking matters in bubble creation.  Practice, practice, practice.

Lani and Norm
Lani and Norm

I enjoy learning and sharing that knowledge. Sharing has been in many forms over the years, as a teaching assistant, university lecturer, Pilates instructor, math tutor and just sharing with friends and family. Throughout, summarizing what I have learnt in words has always been there and continues to through blog posts, articles, video and the ever growing forms of content out there!

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